Well here is the newest episode of Episode 10: The Conway's Corner Podcast Crossover Pt 2: The Task Force X Edition!
This month, Task Force X, is joining in a wide line crossover of massive proportions!
In honor of a recent Tumblr post by the great Gerry Conway talking about creator equity and DC Comics, we have decided to use May as a Gerry Conway appreciation month!
On Task Force X, we look a little at Gerry's recent comments, take a look at Neal Adam's comments on the problem and do a Character Profile on Vixen.
Vixen will show up in the Squad around issue 11 (so this profile is a little early).
And since the great Mr. Conway didn't write any Suicide Squad issues, we use this month to look back at Action Comics 521, Vixen's first appearance.
Gerry Conway's original post on the creator equity issue is located here:
Mr. Adam's response to is can be located at:
I recommend reading both of these posts, and also following Mr. Conway's follow up posts.
What does Brother Head think of this issue... well, it's a bit complicated, so listen to this episode to hear for yourself.
Character Profile:
Character Profile:
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Vixen as she appears in Action Comics 521 |
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Vixen in the Detroit Justice League |
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Modern Vixen |
First appearance: Action Comics #521
(July 1981)
Created by: Gerry Conway (writer)
& Bob Oksner (artist)
Alter ego: Mari Jiwe McCabe
Team affiliations: Justice League,
Suicide Squad, Checkmate, Ultramarine Corps
Abilities: Mimics the abilities of
any animal that has ever lived on Earth, healing factor
Listen to this episode for further information on the beautiful Mari McCabe.
As far as Action Comics 521:
Cover Date: July 1981
On Sale Date: April 20, 1981
Cover Price: $0.50
Page Count: 32
Title: "The Deadly Rampage of
the Lady Fox"
Writer: Gerry Conway
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Frank Chiaramonte
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Gene D'Angelo
Editor: Julius Schwartz
Cover Credits
Penciller: Ross Andru
Inker: Dick Giordano
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Action Comics 521, first appearance of VIXEN! |
Also, be sure to check out all the other great podcasts joining in on Conway's Corner Podcast Crossover:
- Superman & Batman Podcast - Michael Bradley (organizer of this
entire event!) w/guest Aaron Moss - Superman/Batman teamup from World's
Finest #269, plus the Conway-written Red Tornado story from the same issue.
http://www.greatkrypton.com/…/22/superman-batman-episode-32/ - Fire & Water Podcast (Rob Kelly and Irredeemable Shag)
Episode 125 - Gerry Conway Interview on Creator Equity
http://fireandwaterpodcast.blogspot.com/…/125-gerry-conway.… - Flowers & Fishnets (Ryan Daly) - Episode 11 covering Black Canary and Green Arrow stories from World’s Finest #245. http://blackcanaryfan.blogspot.com
http://blackcanaryfan.blogspot.com/…/episode-11-conways-cor… - SuperMates - (Chris & Cindy Franklin) - w/ Kyle Benning, Superman Family 186-187
Released: May 17, 2015 - From Kid to Flash (Mythmaking ETC) (Chris Ivey) - Planning on making episode 18 of my Wally West series my #ConwayXover contribution. Moving up Secret Society of Supervillains #8 and #9 (1977) in the schedule to tie in with the event. http://mythmakingetc.blogspot.com/…/from-kid-to-flash-18-co…
- The Hammer Podcasts! (Gene Hendricks) - Episode 12 covering Thor 224,
(Podcast Page: http://twotruefreaks.com/shows.php?show=35) Episode Link: http://twotruefreaks.com/…/TheHamme…/mp3/THP-Episode012.mp3l -
Between The Pages Blog (Karen Williams) - The Sweet Superhero Stories
of Gerry Conway will focus on his work on Amazing Spider-Man and the
Justice League of America. The stories I plan to touch upon are the
Death of Gwen Stacy, the original clone saga, 1st appearance of the
Punisher, Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man, The JLA / JSA / New Gods,
the JLA / JSA /Secret Society of Supervillains, JLA 200, and Justice
League Detroit.
http://betweenthepagesblog.typepad.com/…/the-sweet-superher… - Quarter Bin Podcast (Alan Middleton) - JLA #188
http://relativelygeekypodcast.blogspot.com/…/qbp-052-justic… - LanternCast (Chad Bokelman and Mark Marble)
Episode #220 - The Collaborative Conway Crossover Caper!
Content for Review: Brave and the Bold #174 & Super Team Family #12
http://www.lanterncast.com/lanterncast-episode-220-the-col…/ - King-Size Comics Giant-Size Fun (Kyle Benning) - http://kingsizecomicsgiantsizefun.blogspot.com
w/ Rob Kelly, DC Special Series #1, a Dollar Comics Issue that features a Conway penned Aquaman story.
http://kingsizecomicsgiantsizefun.blogspot.com/…/king-size-… -
Vault Of Startling Monster Horror Tales Of Terror (Shawn Engel) - Tomb
of Dracula - The regular gang of idiots (Chris Honeywell, Luke
Jaconetti, Chris “Hair-Metal Hero” Tyler, newcomer Jason Jaconetti, and
myself) will synopsize and discuss the first issue of Tomb of Dracula on
episode 48 of the show. We’ll also discuss the relevance of horror
comics returning to mainstream comics and touch on the whole situation
with Mr. Conway. Forewarned, the show does tend to have limited filters
at times, so an adult content warning might be advised.
http://twotruefreaks.com/shows.php?show=26 -
Pop Culture Affidavit (Tom Panarese) -- Cinder and Ashe #1-4; more than
likely week of May 17 as part of “80 Years of DC Comics” series.
http://twotruefreaks.com/…/80YearsofDCComicsPartSix--CrimeD… - Task Force X (Aaron “Head” Moss) - Episode 10 - Action Comics #521
Available at http://headspeaks.com - Head Speaks (Aaron “Head” Moss) - Episode 11 - Covering Firestorm #1-2
Available at http://headspeaks.com
Normally Head Speaks often uses language not suited for the entire family. Younger viewers are normally discouraged. This episode he’ll try to contain his potty mouth. - Back to the Bins (Paul and Crew) -
http://twotruefreaks.com/shows.php?show=1 - Comic Book Time Machine (Ben Avery, Matt Anderson) - Episode 49, covering Superman Vs. The Amazing Spider-man from 1976.
http://comicbooktimemachine.com/supermanspiderman - Hey Kids, Comics! (Andy and Micheal Leyland) We are in the middle of a bunch of bandwagon jumping shows about comics characters about to get TV shows. In the Luke Cage episode (released on 28/5/15) we’ll be covering AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #128.
- Superman Forever Radio (Bob Fisher) - something Superman
Join us next month (June) over at Head Speaks for our 1 year anniversary episode, then back here the same month for Convergence Suicide Squad issue 2.
Then the following month (July) listen as Task Force X celebrates 1 year of podcasting with our 12th episode, hopefully with a very special guest host!
Thanks for listening and be sure to tell people about us. Also write in and let me know what you think of this episode!
All characters are owned and copyrighted by DC Comics. Check out DC Comics for the monthly adventures of the New Suicide Squad.
If you want you can also send us an MP3 file with your thoughts and I'll play them on the air.
Look for us on Facebook and Google+ (look for Task Force X).
Make sure to tell a friend and check back next month for another great episode of TASK FORCE X!
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