We finally finished our Deadshot coverage.. now on with Checkmate!
First up, I look at:
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Checkmate 7 |
Checkmate 7
Cover Date: October 1988
On Sale Date: June 14, 1988
Cover Price: $1.25
Writer: Paul Kupperberg
Penciller: Steve Erwin
Inker: Al Vey
Letterer: Gaspar Saladino
Colorist: Nansi Hoolahan
Editor: Jonathan Peterson
Cover Credits
Artist: Gil Kane
Title: "Arabian Knights"
Synopsis (from DC in the 80’s):
Checkmate has tracked a ring of international arms smugglers to the rogue nation of Qurac. They covertly send three knights into the country to meet with local rebel groups. They also kidnap a Quracan minister who reveals that the supply of arms has been consolidated in a central location due to Checkmate's previous operations.
When the time is right, the order is given and the rebel groups begin a campaign of chaos throughout the capital city of Al Kuwait. Checkmate's knights then enter the compound where the weapons are stored and plant explosives. An assassin who has tangled with Checkmate on two other occasions awaits them. He wounds Winston O'Donnell just as he activates the bomb's timer. A female Knight named Beth then kills the assassin. Beth is forced to leave Winston behind to die in the explosion which destroys the weapons.
By the following morning, the Quracan troops have restored order. The rebel uprising fails to unseat President Marlo. However, Checkmate primary mission to destroy the weapons was successful, though it cost them the life of one of their own.
Then we take a look at....
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Checkmate 8 |
Checkmate 8
Cover Date: November 1988
On Sale Date: July 12, 1988
Cover Price: $1.25
Editor: Jonathan Peterson
Title: "A Thorn in Her Side"
Writer: Paul Kupperberg
Penciller: Steve Erwin
Inker: Al Vey
Letterer: Albert Tobias De Guzman
Colorist: Julianna Ferriter
Cover Credits
Artist: Gil Kane
As you can see by the cover, this issue spotlights Black Thorn. Also, as seen on the cover, she's going up against Amanda Waller, so you know I'm going to love this one.
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Other news for the Headcast family.
As usual, The Headcast Network is where you can find all of my podcasts under one feed.
Over on The Starman/Manhunter Adventure Hour, where I'll be talking about the Will Payton Starman and Mark Shaw Manhunter comics.
Then, look for G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast the first week of the month, where we look at G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero comic from Marvel.
The following week, look for Head Speaks where I start my Armageddon 2001 coverage!
Finally, be sure to return next month and listen as I talk about Suicide Squad and Checkmate.
Again, thanks for listening and be sure to tell people about us. Also write in and let me know what you think of this episode!
All characters are owned and copyrighted by DC Comics. Check out DC Comics for the monthly adventures of the New Suicide Squad.
If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please e-mail me at TaskForceX@HeadSpeaks.com (and you too can be read in Listener Feedback).
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Make sure to tell a friend and check back next month for another great episode of TASK FORCE X!